This is my first post on this forum.
We recently bought a second hand welding cell from Germany. It consist of a robot arm IRB 1500 S3C M92/93, ESAB ARISTO welding equipment and a manipulator with 2 rotary tables.
Documentation was delivered with the cell but unfortunatelly my german is very bad it is vey difficault for me to understand it. Also all the FDDs to come with the machine seem not to be working.
Since this is our first attempt with robotics I could use somebodys help. I browsed through the forum and see that there could be some people that know about this rather old type of robot.
1) Does anyone have English manuals for this Arm and controller? If so, how could I get a copy?
2) Are the disks nessesery for starting up the cell, or could we recreate them?
3) Is there a way to get rid off the FDD and use a USB or ethernet? I hate FDDs
4)Should I try to find software to run it (like SPORT or other similar) or would I make my life harder. I see that now there are a lot for software for robot control.
Iknow it is a long post sorry for this but As mentioned before this is my first attempt with Robots