In an RJ2 controller, "B" size cabinet where are the Robot out puts and inputs controlled and originating from? I have wired the same as the last machine for R01 and R02 but neither output will work.
I have a DTERR alarm active as another problem but I do not think that should effect the RO.

In an RJ2 "B" size cabinet where are the robot outputs controlled and originated
mortoch -
July 21, 2016 at 7:27 AM -
Thread is Resolved
The driver chips on the CPU mother board may be bad! They can be easily replaced!
Would these be effected by a srvo193 SVON error?
No the driver chips protect the CPU from damage if the device that is being turned on by the output is shorted.
They are mounted to the CPU and you can tell by looking at them that they are burned. -
So I found the smoked drive and stole a CPU board out of another controller. Now I have a DTERR alarm. These things are driving me nuts.
The driver-chips are two Toshiba TD62107 drivers.
They are located right behind the blue CRM10 and CRS1 connectors, and they sit in sockets, so they are very easy replaceble. -
The DTERR error is pulse-coder related.
Is there an extended axis, if so, check if it is connected OK.
In case of a second-hand robot, check if there was an extra axis that is not connected now.Check your cables and connectors.
Change the SIF-module of the axis involved with another SIF-module, and look if the error changes as well, if so, replace SIF-module.
Do the same with the DSM-modules.
If that all don't work, replace pulse-coder.
Gentlemen. Thank you for the information. The driver was shot. I tried to just replace the whole cpu and received the DTERR alarm on all axis's. So I replaced the driver on the original cpu and reinstalled. All is well although this DTERR alarm has been dogging me for a month now. These are used robots and controllers and I can power them up one day and all is fine. The next day or the next time I grab the pendant to teach it will spring the DTERR.
what axis is the DTERR alarm associated with
The alarm is typically for all axis's. When I switched the CPU I got the DTERR alarm so I swapped just the chip and put the original board back in and the DTERR went away. This seems to tell me that there is a correlation to the CPU board and the DTERR alarm. Maybe?
Is there any way to fuse those outputs to prevent damage to the board?
DTERR alarms can be caused by poor connection of the shield on the RP1 cable to ground at the controller.
Ok, cool, I will check that.
Yes the shield clamps were all loose in the cabinet. Tightened them and problem cleared. You people are life savers. I thank you.
What about servo-193 SVON. Robot was working and half way through a teaching rotation in t1 the SVON came on and will not reset. If I switch to auto it changes to 192 SVON. These are old GM robots if that helps. I have checked all the plugs on the estop board and found no issues. I have tried a couple of different jumper plugs on the back of the controller (SCI).
In the door there is a little circuit-board with a lot of connectors and terminals.
At the bottomside there are two SVON terminals, they have to be connected.
Then the fault should clear.
If not, check the JRM10 plug, unplug an replug a few times both ends of the cable. ( Shut down controller first !! )
Sometimes the contacts oxidize a little when the robot is not used for a longer time.At the circuit-board, the EMGIN 1 and 2, the FENCE 1 and 2, and at the top-left, the COM and OFF should also have a connection
DTERR alarms can be caused by poor connection of the shield on the RP1 cable to ground at the controller.I had never heard about that before, I am going to have to remember this one.
I hope this helps
The fault self cleared over the weekend, I poked around on the board on the door and checked all the cables for maybe the 10th time and looked for the svon terminals. I do not have svon terminals at the bottom of this board. However in the middle right of the board there are 2 terminals labeled svon1 and svonsvon2. They appear to be an ~1/8" spade terminal that would accept a push on termination. They are not connected on any of the machines I have so I left them and powered it up. Powered up, and we are teaching as I write this. I have a feeling I may see this again and if so I plan to change the board out for another. Or take a
to it.