Have a Fanuc LR mate 200id with a 30i B Controller and want to modify a Karel program statement to add several OR statements with integer values after the <4 value. Can I just insert <4 OR 3 OR 5 OR 8 OR etc....Logic is as follows:
• Line 67: IF (RI[2:HxBlnkGrip_CLSD]=ON AND R[1:Part Number]<4 Then;
• Line 68: CALL M_LOAD_CYCLE ;
• Line 69: JMP LBL[4] ;
Karel Instruction Help
rich43 -
September 15, 2016 at 9:41 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Have a Fanuc LR mate 200id with a 30i B Controller and want to modify a Karel program statementThat seems more like TP, not Karel ..
to add several OR statements with integer values after the <4 value. Can I just insert <4 OR 3 OR 5 OR 8 OR etc....Logic is as follows:
• Line 67: IF (RI[2:HxBlnkGrip_CLSD]=ON AND R[1:Part Number]<4 Then;
• Line 68: CALL M_LOAD_CYCLE ;
• Line 69: JMP LBL[4] ;No, that won't work. You'll have to compare each option with R[1:Part Number], or come up with a single statement that lets you do what you want.
Looks like you basically need to check whether R[1:Part Number] < 8, correct? You don't have 6 or 7 in there, but since you include 8, all the others will be smaller than that anyway.
Thanks for your response and my mistake, you are correct TP and not Karel.
Also, your suggestion to compare each option with R[1:Part Number] =? may be my best option.
Could I do this. IF (RI [HxBlnkGrip_CLSD] AND R[1:Part Number]<4 OR R[1:Part Number] =7 Then;
Thanks again
Yep, you could do that. The code would look like this:
Be aware of order of operations though. Numerical comparisons have a higher precedence than logical comparators, and the 'AND' comparator has a higher order than the 'OR' comparator.
Thank you,
Now if I had to add several OR statements, identical to the one just added but with different integer values, is there a better way of writing the line of code?
You could expand the IF statement to encompess the conditions you want. A mixed logic IF statement can support up to 20 items in it.
Otherwise you could break up the IF statement into multiple if statements.
For example:
Code: IF (RI[1:HxBlnkGrip_CLSD] AND R[1:Part Number]<4), JMP LBL[5] ; : IF (R[1:Part Number]=7), JMP LBL[5] ; : IF (R[1:Part Number]=11), JMP LBL[5] ; : IF (R[1:Part Number]=7=25), JMP LBL[5] ; : !None of the above are true... ; : JMP LBL[10] ; : ; : LBL[5:True] ; : CALL M_LOAD_CYCLE ; : LBL[10:End] ;
Thank you. Good Option.