Hoping somebody can help me out with some background logic. I have created a program with no calls or jumps or labels. Strictly I/O and if statements. I cannot get it to run or do what I want it to. I don't think I have it set up right. I created it the same way I would a normal program. Do I need to do something different? Do I need to change the asterisks to make it a non-motion group routine? I've never set up background logic before. This is all being done through the teach pendant too. When I go to the background logic screen and push run, it just says an error occurred. Any ideas anybody? Thank you in advance.
Fanuc LR Mate 200ic Background Logic
sep945366 -
March 13, 2017 at 3:55 PM -
Thread is Resolved
What I remember, the programming in BG logic have to use mixed logic instructions.
For instance...- DO[1]=(DI[1] AND !DI[2])
- IF (DI[1]) JMP,LBL[1]
- WAIT (DI[1]) -
What I remember, the programming in BG logic have to use mixed logic instructions.
For instance...- DO[1]=(DI[1] AND !DI[2])
- IF (DI[1]) JMP,LBL[1]
- WAIT (DI[1])I don't believe wait commands are allowed in BG programs though.
For BG Logic programs, you need to set the group mask to all asterisks. What alarm(s) are you getting?
Yes, all asterisks. Feel free to post your code if you need more help.
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Post the entire line of the code whose number is referred in the error message.K-Sky,
Wait is not supported in BG logic. Jumps may be only forward. -
Thank you for the help guys. I had to leave yesterday and haven't gotten to get back on it today. I'll try the asterisks this afternoon and if it doesn't work I'll post the code. Again thank you guys and I'll let you know either way.
You can't use wait or JMP LBL in BG logic
You can't use wait or JMP LBL in BG logicYou can use JMP LBLs, but only going down in the program not up.
Yes sorry:)