Yesterday, I got called out to a customer of mine with a weird issue on one of their old robots they use in their lab. An old R2000iA/165F running SpotTool+ 6.40.
They were trying to use the style method of starting the robot, but every time the PLC sent a start signal, the robot would reject the start (SYST-011) with the reason of SYST-073, which according to the error manual states:
QuoteSYST-073 Manual selection mismatch
Cause: The style input does not match the manually selected style.
Remedy: The PLC must send a style code that matches the manual selection.
Which is very descriptive and helpful.
What does it mean manually selected style? Where is this set? The style program exists, was defined in the style table, and was enabled. The bits for style selection were coming across from the PLC fine as well.