I just cannot get to the bottom of this, if someone experienced this or knows the answer please let me know.
Sorry for the wall of text.
Have a working fanuc 120 robot rj2 that wasn't used for some time. Powered it on, ran a program (it did have SRVO-014 abnormal fan, but the robot still ran programs etc so it wasn't a big issue for me. Made a robot program, ran it couple times.
Decided to fix the abnormal fan problem, I had another fanuc 120 rj2 that was working that I took a fan from and installed it, it has same specs/size just a different brand. Turned the controller/robot on and get these errors:
SRVO-147 LVAL (DCLK) alarm (G:1 A:1)
SRVO-147 LVAL (DCLK) alarm (G:1 A:2)
And the servo amplifier shows error code 4.
Here is what the manual says regarding this error:
SRVO-147 SERVO LVAL(DCLK) alarm (G:%d A:%d)
l Cause: This alarm indicates a problem with the back-up charge circuit for the amplifier.
l Remedy: 1. Check the cable between the servo amplifier (CN1) and the MCC. Replace
it if necessary.
2. For a model using the B cabinet, check whether the transformer fuses (F1 and F3)
have blown.
3. Replace the printed circuit board for emergency stop control.
4. Replace the servo amplifier.
1. So I check the cables, everything is fine. Replaced cables with the other fanuc 120 rj2 that I had. Not fixed.
2. Checked the F1 F2 and F3 fuses, all good
4. Replaced the servo amplifier with the fanuc 120 rj2, problem still not fixed.
5. Replaced the MCC/actuator. Not fixed.
So at this point I decided to connect the other fanuc 120 rj2 that I got these parts from. I put everything back including the servo amplifier back to this second robot and lo and behold this second robot has the EXACT SAME ERRORS.
Here is what 'temporarily works':
1. I turn on the controller with the TP on.
2. As I press the deadman switch I wait a second and then push on the MCC/actuator until it 'clicks in' by itself.
Then the robot works for that session. If I restart the robot and I press deadman switch it just gives me the errors and I cannot reset them.
Anyone know what the issue is?