I'm fairly new to robot programming, but have gained some knowledge in the AS language the last couple of weeks. I'm working for a company that installed a Kawasaki E-series robot before I started, and now want me to modify/create new programs for the robot. Unfortunately, the guy who installed the robot was not from my country, and made the entire code with all parameter names, comments etc. in a language I do not speak. Thus, it takes me a bit longer to properly understand the code than I would like.
1. How exactly does the internal I/O signals work?
For example, theres an IF sentence with "IF SIG(something) THEN...", and then somewhere the signal something is assigned a number (e.g something=2034). Is the number random? How does the program know if something is turned on or not when I start the robot?
2. How are the buttons on the interface panel of the teach pendant connected to these signals?
For example, if I have made a button on the pendant with three different programs (let's say: 1.MOVE PALLET, 2.MOVE BOX, 3.MOVE BAG) how does the program know which program I have selected?
I apologize if the questions are poorly phrased or explained, please let me know and I will try to expand.
Thank you.