I am working on a R2000iB 150U robot with R30iA controller, the robot is hung from a rail upside down, the rail is axis 7 in group one of the motion groups. My issue is how can I correct for the robot not being mounted perfectly square to the 7th axis rail. When I move the robot in world frame y almost as far as it can reach both ways and make a mark on the floor at both points, I then make sure the TCP lines up with the first mark, and jog the 7th axis to the second point(instead of with the robots y in world frame) it is out by about 8mm. My assumption is this is caused by the robot thinking its perfectly square with the linear motion of the 7th axis, but I think it is out slightly. I have a attached a picture to help show what I mean, I have greatly exaggerated the issue to make it clear.
any help is appreciated. thanks