as said in the title. We have multiple robot cells to which the SmartPad cable reel is slighlty bad.
We don't use the SmartPads much, that is why it was not a hard pressing issue to replace the reels. However, they are indeed faulty.
What happens is the following:
When the reel is stationary, everything works fine. When I move the cable in or out, SmartPad connection drops for a tiny amount of time which causes an emergency stop. Up until this point, nothing surprising happens.
I thought that I'm smart and decided to try to press the detach SmartPad button above the screen before using the cable reel, so that IF the connection would drop, then the entire cell would not go into ESTOP.
This idea did not work. My quiestion is: how, why? I was well within the 30 second mark of being able to detach the SmartPad and still, the ESTOP did happen.
(Mostly KR C4 controllers with KSS 8.5+. )