Hi Everybody. I have a diferent way for make this. maybe is unpractical, but work if you take care with the details. and if you dont have the fanuc programs like me.
First, i make a backup from the program Robot in ascci. This Backup is a *.ls file and save it in the Directory selected. in my case, the TP Usb port.
After, in the laptop, i change the .ls to .txt in the file propieties. Now i can see it in text like in the TeachPendant. I make the changes needed, and save the file withe other name. In this step is important 2 things, first one is the name, cus in the base of program, the name need to be the same name of file. and the second is the number of rows, it need to have the correct order, 1,2,3,4,.....129,130,131. if you have some diferent here, your program cant be loaded in the controller.
Now, we need change the *txt to *.ls. Check if in your computer, you hava selected the option to check the file extension (in the folder: click to view, and select file extension name). Now you can change the file extension. save this file in your memory card and go to your robot controller.
Your files can be loaded in ¨.ls" and automatyc be transfer like a TP program. Open your Directory, find your file and select "load". Now your file is loaded and it must work if you make all the steps.