Do somebody have a experience with tig welding? I need some help with sensor working with length of arc . What sensor You use and how?
Posts by zdravkov
Hello, I have a NX controler stuck in Maitenance mode.I haven`t any alarms. I checked a pendant cable and "Main Menu"button. Can someone give me some advise?
I solved the problem with robot this time using a joker 'call to Yaskawa friend', who prepare calibration insteed me. Thank You for advices.
I realy try all tricks I know . Instalation ends with message for some 32 bit app can`t instal. Program starts , but can`t calculatae enything- "wrong robot" message apear. It may my key is brokenor wrong.
Thank You. The problem is that I have 32bit version from 7 years, but my computer is 64bit
and I can`t instal it corect.
Could somebody to send me a link to new version of MotoCalv download or send me an instalation file? Thank You in advance! I have a key.
Could somebody give me a link to download new version of MotoCalv or send me an instalation file? I have a key!
Could You send me a CMOS.bin file
What is a sub code 4207 (?)
Why You dont`use a external timer and some Universal Input to start a program.(cost is 2-3 Euro)
You need a special password-call Yaskawa representative.
It depends of controller.There haven`t universal CMOS.BIN and need special pass. Call Yaskawa representative .
You can use bin-dec coding .831236 you can separate BOO1 = 83, BOO2=12, B003=36 and integrate 83 * 1000 + 12* 100 + 36.
Thank You I will try it, but in other cases i made it only with 21 to 22 conection and haven't problem until now. I need External servo on in PLAY mode I have a start in reservation mode.
Do You have a analog comunication or comunication that response for Amps and Voltage to welding power source?
Could you send a'searching program' and program, that you use searching?!
I try to mount an additional ‘ external servo on’ button controler DX200. When I connect it to X18 machine safety terminal board( Machine safety I/O logic circuit board (JANCD-YSF22-E) -21 EXSVON+, -22 EXSVON- It is no work ‘servo on’ signal is not switching on. In X18 board we have an external Emergency stop, External Hold and External safety (PLC PLUTO) mounted and It`s work. Shock sensor is connected to board with the cable that is built into the robot and works too. The question is : May it is some SETUP problem or It is Machine Safety board problem( fuse for example) an do You have a some diagram for machine safety board.
It is for DX 200 controller and works with all controllers. When You power off the robot or You have a power loss and some times You can move with a hand a T axis. When DX started a difference between DX position data and current position data is occurred and massage 'check position data' appear .
How You use welding power source with digital BUS communication or in/Out . If You use a command DOUT OG(x) where x is number of program in welding power source ,You need to store in power source 'Pulse program"In other case You have to know how to switch a welding power source in Pulse mode (some welding power source input ) and connect it to some robot output.